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Adapting to God’s Plan While Holding Our Plans Loosely

As you prepare for your missionary journey, even if you are in the middle of it, adaptability is key. Just like flight plans, life plans can change. Some changes happen quickly, maybe overnight. Others happen more slowly, even over a few years. They can change a little, like a slight deviation, or a lot, turning your world upside down.

Changes range from minor inconveniences—such as delayed or canceled flights or lost luggage—to a bit more significant—a delayed departure because you need to raise more support or need more training for your organization. 

Then again, it could be God-sized changes, like receiving a different calling in the middle of preparing for what you thought would be your new life overseas! Plans are good, but it’s necessary to hold our plans loosely so that if—dare I say when—things change, it will be easier to say yes to God.

Take a moment to assess the plans you have laid out. Perhaps you are like me, with a clear direction you plan to go, and something has happened to indicate that a change may be developing. Maybe you are just feeling out this idea of missions, and you want to know what you might be getting yourself into. Perhaps you are in the middle of your journey, and you wonder, Is this all there is or what’s next? 

Follow Him

Throughout our lives as followers of Christ, we have to be just that—followers—and allow Him to lead us rather than trying to get Him to follow our plans. Wherever we find ourselves in our missionary journey, submitting to God and following Him each day are crucial to that journey. We need to stay in tune with God and be sure of His direction. 

Adapt, Alter, and Adjust

We need to be adaptable and choose to listen to God’s voice despite how it may sound to us or those around us. When He gives a direction, we need to move forward in faith. And, if He redirects, we need to adapt, alter, and adjust our heading bearing true north, His north. Then watch the grandiosity of His handiwork unfold!

Holding loosely to our plans so we can adapt to God’s will be a lifelong journey in our life as a missionary. As we align our hearts with His, we’ll be willing and able to adjust each step of the way.

Think about the direction you are going. What needs to change in order to follow God? What steps do you need to take to implement that change? Take your plans and ideas to God and ask Him for direction and guidance. If you have people in your life who are praying for you, ask them to come alongside you and pray for discernment.

I invite you to make the following prayer your own:


Father God, I implore the Holy Spirit to intercede on my behalf. I have tried to take control and force my own plans into fruition. You know the desires of my heart. I pray my heart would be properly aligned with yours. Please give me clarity and help me discern your plans, and adjust my plans as needed. In Jesus’s name, I pray, amen.

Today’s blog post is adapted from my new book

Living Uprooted: Encouragement for the Missionary Wife

Available for purchase on three websites!

Redemption Press, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

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