Here are some links to the organizations we are associated with, an inspiring and encouraging blog for life in mission work overseas, and links to charity organizations and global relief funds

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Bringing help, hope, and healing to isolated people.

Mission Aviation Training Academy

Training and equipping pilots for mission aviation ministry

Encouraging Blog

A Life Overseas – Blog

A cross-cultural conversation about the role and realities of international missions.

Charity Organizations

Beautiful Gate – Lesotho

Beautiful Gate Lesotho exists to reach out to orphaned, abandoned, and neglected children ages newborn to 5 years old, and give them the love they need and deserve.

Crisis Relief

Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund by Mission Dispatch

Mission Dispatch has set up the Emergency Relief Fund to get funds quickly to areas of urgent need, working through established, reliable and trustworthy “boots on the ground” workers that we know and have vetted. Our goal is to cut through the red tape and get assistance directly to people in need.

Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund by Global Giving

All donations to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund will support humanitarian assistance in impacted communities in Ukraine and surrounding regions where Ukrainian refugees have fled. GlobalGiving’s local partners are bringing relief to terrified and displaced communities, and they need resources to continue their life-saving work.
